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Stay Informed. Stay Diligent. Stay Safe.

In the rapidly evolving financial landscape, digital security is not just a feature; it's a necessity. While our banking systems and tools are fortified with world-class security measures to protect your transactions and personal information, the reality is that the most instances of fraud stem from the individual. Obviously, no one does this intentionally, and in most cases, people are actively coerced or tricked into doing this.

Keeping your private information private is crucial, and we've built this page as a resource that can help you do just that. Staying informed about the latest threats and learning how to recognize and respond to potential scams is your first (and best) line of defence.

If you have any questions or active concerns to report, please don't hesitate to do so. You can receive help in-branch during business hours, by email (, or by phone, 24/7 at 1.877.251.5230

We're glad you're here, and we hope you'll find valuable insights and tips below.

Password Managers: Myth vs. Fact

You there! Stop writing down all those passwords.

We’ve all heard it and we all know it... You must use a strong, unique password for every account, and please don’t write them down anywhere! But between our phones, apps, streaming services, and work logins, the average person now manages well over 50 different accounts. So is this even possible without help? No... it's safe to say it's not.

Enter "password managers"—tools designed to help you securely create, store, and manage your credentials in one place. Understandably, some have hesitation when it comes to using password managers—Are they safe? Hard to use? What if they get hacked? To help you decide if a password manager is right for you, let's break a few myths or misconceptions.

Myth #1: Password Managers are Vulnerable to Hackers.
🛡️ Reality: Password managers use robust encryption, making your data almost impossible to access. Whether built-in (on phones and browsers) or app-based, they add a significant layer of security as long as you follow basic protocols, like using a strong master password and enabling two-factor authentication. This... is far more secure than that piece of paper beside the computer.

Myth #2: Some Company Now Knows All My Passwords 🤔
🛡️ Reality: Password managers don’t “know” your passwords. They use strong encryption to store your data securely, meaning only you can access it. Whether using built-in managers (like those on your phone or browser) or third-party apps like LastPass or 1Password, your information remains private. Even the password manager service itself can’t view your credentials. It’s all about adding a secure layer between you and potential threats, not exposing your data to anyone else.

Myth #3: It’s a Hassle to Set Up.
🛡️ Reality: Modern password managers are intuitive and user-friendly. With browser extensions and mobile apps, autofilling and saving passwords becomes seamless. Once set up, you’ll never need to click “Forgot Password” again. 😉

Final Thoughts 💭
The biggest risk of fraud online is human error—like choosing a weak master password or sharing/exposing your credentials. Password managers both simplify your digital life and make it more secure. They use military-grade encryption 🔒 to store your data, and while there is a bit of initial setup, it’s very user-friendly, and most anyone can do it. We believe that the benefits far outweigh the effort. 

Remember: Unlike that late afternoon coffee... stronger is always better.

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Possibly not who you think… unfortunately.

With the recent landslide of artificial intelligence (AI) software development, and broad global access – there are ever more elements that each and every one of us now needs to consider in our day to day lives – no matter if you use these new tools or not. And yes, we definitely get it… some people don’t know much about AI, and some people, plain and simple, don’t want to know. But here’s the thing – understanding AI capabilities is crucial, even if you don’t want to use it yourself, because it can still be used on you. One of the latest threats we’re seeing is AI-powered voice fraud, and it’s important to stay informed because this happens over the phone – no computer even needed on your end.

Picture this: You receive a call from someone who sounds exactly like a family member, close friend, or colleague and they are asking for urgent help. The voice you’re hearing, while it may belong to them --- is no longer theirs. It has been processed by an AI tool that now allows scammers to call and talk to you in their voice. Scary, yes? Reality, yes! This type of fraud is increasing rapidly, and we unfortunately, expect it to continue as such.

So, how can you protect yourself? First, always verify the caller’s identity through another channel before acting on such a request. A simple text or call back to their known number can save you from falling victim. While the voice emulation is new, the scam is fairly old – the people on the other side of the call are going to be asking for unusual information or to do unusual things. As always – if something seems off, it probably is.

Yes – the development and use of AI is overwhelming to say the least. But ignorance is not bliss, and even if you want nothing to do with it, staying informed can be your best bet in staying safe out there – because knowing how AI can be used against you is just as valuable as knowing how to use it.

🔒 Worth the Effort: Two-Factor Authentication 🔒

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA), 2-Step Verification (2SV), 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) — these terms might sound technical, but they're crucial for safeguarding your online activities. Essentially, these methods verify your identity beyond just a password. From banking to social media - an ever increasing number of sites have added this extra step. Whether it's a text message code, a biometric scan, or a security key, it is an added layer that helps to keep your account stays secure, even if someone else knows your password. 

At StellerVista, security is a priority, which is why multi-factor authentication is standard across all our online banking services. However, not all platforms make this a mandatory step. Our advice? Don't skip this option, even for your email or online shopping accounts. Integrating 2FA is more than a recommendation—it's essential for protecting your digital identity. As this technology becomes more common, familiarizing yourself with it is a significant step toward avoiding fraud and maintaining your privacy.

Stay vigilant—yes, it's an extra login step, but it's a small inconvenience for a significant increase in protection.

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🛍️ Social Media Commerce: Online Marketplace Tips 💡

If you’re a savvy buyer (or seller), social media can be a great tool. Shortening the time you need to wait, allowing you to compare prices and options, and to maybe even find that one-of-a-kind item that no store will have. But of course, at the intersection of second-hand and online shopping, your need for diligence is of the utmost importance. There is no intermediary, and the actions you take cannot easily be undone. The following tips should always be kept in mind when shopping any social media avenue:

🕵️‍♂️ Spot the Fakers: Too-good-to-be-true offers are probably just that. Scammers will create fake accounts and list items at a great price to try and get you to engage with them. A scammer’s dream, you starting the conversation with them! You can try to review their profile and compare similar items – but trust your gut here; if it seems off, it probably is.

💸 Overpayment is a Common Scam: This is where an alleged buyer will claim to have sent payment to you, beyond the set amount, and will request that you send some funds back. Reasonably, this should never occur – and if it genuinely has, ensure you have the payment in full before dealing with any refund. However, in most all cases of an overpayment refund request, it’s a scam and you will not receive the funds they are claiming to have sent you.

🚫 Say No to Unusual Payment Methods: Simplicity is your safeguard here. Beware of convoluted payment propositions that’ll likely leave you with nothing but a story. Clear red flags include an offer to pay via gift card, digital currency, or even a classic suggestion that 'the cheque is in the mail'. Keep transactions clear-cut: for in-person exchanges, cash or eTransfers are as good as it gets. For items you'll ship, insist on eTransfers to avoid the pitfalls of phantom payments – and if you’re buying via eTransfer, be 100% certain the person (and their offering) is real. Remember, a face-to-face meetup at the time of exchange isn't just sociable—it's a solid strategy to ensure a secure sale.

🔑 Privacy is Paramount: In buying or selling, any requests for personal information from you are an immediate cue to end the interaction. There is zero need to share any information in today’s age, and you should be able to conduct the transaction in full via the social media messaging apps. Even a request for a phone number is generally unnecessary. As best you can, always keep the communication of these transactions on social. If you are comfortable sharing your phone number – an unneeded step – be sure to keep it at that and nothing more. Your personal information is more valuable that you know.

While the potential for scams is real, so too is the potential to buy and sell items in a highly convenient, modern, and even local way. If you are a diligent person, there can be great value in these new and emerging social media commerce channels – but here more than anywhere, the onus is on the individual to be safe and secure in doing so. If you see something out there, say something – the more we share info about scams, the more equipped we can all be!

Stay Secure & Informed 24/7 with MemberDirect Alerts!

Customizable alerts, through StellerVista online banking, let you get real-time banking transaction information delivered to you, as it happens. There is no faster way to stay on top of your finances.

Immediate Notifications: Get alerts for crucial account activities directly to your email or mobile device. Instant information allows you to respond swiftly to any unauthorized access or transactions.

Customizable: Decide what alerts you receive and how you receive them. Personalize your banking experience to suit your lifestyle.

Peace of Mind, Anytime: With around-the-clock monitoring, you can relax knowing that you’re always informed about your account's status, no matter where you are.

Getting started is simple! Just log into your StellerVista online banking and click on "Messages and Alerts" to set up whatever it is you want to keep track of. Need a hand setting it up? Reach out to us by email or phone any time!


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Public Wi-Fi? Think Twice. 🔒

We love freebies, don't we? Free Wi-Fi, in particular, seems like a gift, especially when we're out and need to check up on something like our bank account. First of all – good for you, being diligent and responsible and on-top of it – BUT, before you check, do you know how you’re connecting? If you’re on free or public Wi-Fi, you will want to pause and think twice before logging in.

The Problem: Public Wi-Fi networks, available in downtown shops, schools, airports, and restaurants, are open networks, and using these networks for online banking can be like broadcasting your account details through a megaphone to cybercriminals. 

Taking Action:

🚫 Skip Public Wi-Fi for Banking: Opt for your mobile data connection or wait until you can use a secure, private Wi-Fi network for financial transactions.

🛡️ Invest in a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) encrypts your internet traffic, protecting your data from prying eyes, even on public Wi-Fi.

🕵️ Regularly Monitor Your Bank Statements: Stay vigilant. Regular checks can help you catch any unauthorized transactions early.

💬 Spread the Word: Educate your friends and family about the risks of using public Wi-Fi for banking. Knowledge is power, and in this case, it's also protection.

In the digital world, being informed and cautious can prevent a majority of the cyber related financial issues we see.

Warning - Device Storage Low!

You know how nice it feels to declutter that drawer or room that has just been accumulating… things…? When’s the last time you did that with your phone or tablet?

Well, in the name of digital security (and that feeling of satisfaction a good clean-up can bring) you might want to take stock of what apps you use and delete the ones you don’t. Unused apps (especially the free ones) can make you more vulnerable to digital threats. If something is free… chances are you (or your info) might be the product.
Stay aware out there!
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🔒 Scammers 🤥 The unwanted guests at our digital doorstep.

If we do what it takes to keep the door locked, they'll never get in.

👵💚 While everyone is a potential target, we definitely see a trend of focus on seniors. What may seem obvious to one person may be completely foreign to another - so take these quick tips with you and share them with your loved ones. Knowledge is our best defence!

1️⃣ Change passwords regularly: Encourage your parents and loved ones to update their passwords frequently. 🔑

2️⃣ Keep passwords private: Remind them never to share their passwords with anyone. 🤐

3️⃣ Verify suspicious links: If they receive an email or text with a suspicious link, just don't click it. 🚫

While there is a lot to lookout for, these three pieces can go a long way in staying safe online. 💪💙 Be sure to share your knowledge! Together, we can prevent fraud and protect our loved ones.