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Member Advisory Committees at StellerVista Credit Union

At StellerVista Credit Union, our commitment to incorporating the diverse voices of our members into our decision-making process is more than just a policy—it's a practice. As we grow and evolve in a fast-paced, technology-driven environment, it's crucial that our strategies align with the needs and expectations of our rural communities. Our Member Advisory Committees (MACs) are a vital tool in this process, providing a structured platform for member engagement.

The Member Advisory Committees we run will vary in their scope and duration. Some committees may be convened for long-term strategic guidance, while others might focus on specific short-term issues. These committees will meet either in person or online, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for all members. Our aim is to extend our reach to as diverse a group as possible, embracing the unique perspectives that only our members can provide.

As StellerVista continues to grow, the insights and recommendations from our Member Advisory Committees will ensure that our decisions are informed and reflective of our members' needs and values. We invite all interested members to join us in this exciting and meaningful dialogue to shape the future of their credit union.



Current Committees:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee

Thank you for your interest in our CSR Member Advisory Committee. The committee has now been selected. We appreciate everyone who reached out to express their interest and shared their insights.

This committee is essential for aligning our CSR efforts with both our organizational goals and the expectations of our members. It provides valuable perspectives that guide our senior management and Board of Directors in making impactful community-focused decisions.

Please stay tuned for future opportunities to participate in upcoming committees. Your involvement is crucial to our success and helps us ensure our initiatives are as effective and meaningful as possible.