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    Creating Your Financial Roadmap

    Financial planning is all about considering where you are now and building a clear picture of where you want to be (and by when).

    Healthy Financial Habits to Adopt Today

    Managing and improving your financial wellness is all about replacing bad financial habits with good ones.

    How to Raise Your Credit Score and Why…

    A credit score shows how reliable you are with money. The higher the score, the more likely you are to receive a loan or credit. Find out how to successfully raise your credit score.

    Make the Most of your Day to Day Account

    8 tips for making the most of your day-to-day account.

    Paying Down Debt for a Stress Free Future

    Learn how to pay down your debt and save money at the same time.

    ​Emergency Fund Boot Camp

    ​Having an emergency fund means having one less thing to worry about when the unexpected happens. If you find yourself in a situation like a medical emergency, an out-of-the-blue home repair or losing a job, you don’t want to be worrying about how you’re going to manage expenses or about going into debt to cover costs. An emergency fund will let you focus on getting your life back to normal.

    Working From Home

    Setting clear boundaries between your work time and your personal time promotes a healthy work-life balance.

    Budgeting Basics: The Workbook

    Setting up and using a budget involves six basic steps:

    1. Establish your financial goals: immediate, intermediate and long-term.
    2. Examine your current financial position. What is your household income and how much do you spend?
    3. Build a monthly budget for each of 12 consecutive months, itemizing expenses in various categories and estimating how much you can reasonably expect to spend in each category.
    4. Relate your budget to your overall financial planning. How much money do you expect to have left over after expenses? How will this money be allocated? How long will it take you to reach each goal?
    5. Throughout each month, make regular entries of your actual expenditures in each expense category. At month- end, total the amounts and match these figures against your original estimates.
    6. Review and revise the budget to keep it useful and up-to-date.